What is a podiatrist?

July 23, 2022

A Podiatrist specialises in diagnosis and treatment of the foot, ankle and lower extremity. 

A podiatrists primary aim is to help maintain foot health, improve mobility, independence, and quality of life for their patients.

Chiropody is a term traditionally used in the UK and Podiatrist is known widely across the world.    A podiatrist is a branch of medicine dedicated to study, diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of the foot. It requires studying a 3 year degree or masters and is regulated by the professional boards; Royal College of Podiatry (RcPOD) and The Health Care Professions Council (HCPC)

At Sole Podiatry, chiropody treatment is used to describe skin and nail care and Podiatry is used to describe treatment for musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.